THE CEO DAILY ROUTINE: Chris Giovanni style.

Happy Thursday!

I am often questioned about my morning start as an entrepreneur, and how it is possible to establish a great routine. Being an entrepreneur is a 24-7 job, and these quick steps can help you get on the right track of mastering your day-to-day operation:


I am up every morning by 6AM.
Waking up early to me means being ahead of the competition. I am able to eat breakfast, get dressed, run and exercise, and prepare myself mentally for what is in store for today’s agenda. This is my “ME” time that allows me to efficiently carry out my day as a CEO.

“ME” time is EXTREMELY necessary.
In my profession, I’m talking to 50-100 people a day. My brain becomes scattered remembering names, casting offices, production numbers, social media accountants, clients, potential clients, my employees— the list grows daily as I grow in my business. I make it a MUST to have “ME” time one hour in the mornings, and one hour in the evenings. ME time may involve me going out with friends without talking about work, maybe just coming home to watch Disney+, or YouTube. Think of “ME” time as your phone charging at the end of the day to get back to 100%.

The first application that I check on my phone is MAIL.
I never check social media first. In fact, all social media notifications are disabled on my phone during the morning time. The first thing that I check when I wake up are my emails. I briefly skim through to find any urgent emails, or emails that are quick to respond to. I never boggle myself in the bed with emails that require LONG thoughtful responses. Instead, I mentally capture that email and think of my response as I get ready for the day.

I strategize my day during breakfast, or in the shower.
As a CEO, we’re prone to packed days. I can literally have back-to-back meetings from 10:00am-6:00pm. Being able to create boundaries and balance is the key to navigating a potentially hectic day. I will ask myself a variety of questions: Am I mentally prepared to tackle everything on my agenda today? Which meetings do I feel are going to bring the most passive income to my threshold? Which meetings today do I feel the least confident in, and how can I approve? Before I walk out the door for the day, I am as knowledge as possible for anything that I should encounter.

Getting some form of exercise is a must when being an entrepreneur. When I run, it gives me the adrenaline rush needed to approach the day. I come back ready to tackle everything and get in BEAST mode. Treat your body right before you can help anyone else.

I do not return phone calls before 9:00AM.
Unless the phone call has been previously scheduled, I do not return or take calls before 9:00AM. This gives me the time necessary to prepare for a productive phone conference. I also don’t want to sound groggy or completely disinterested from not allowing myself to give myself “ME” time. If you ever wondered why I sound so bubbly on the phone, this is why! haha.

I’m not afraid to say NO, as well as receive the answer NO.
Being able to say NO sets boundaries, while being able to take NO sparks passion. Some people think that I’m crazy when I say NO is actually one of my favorite words. When I hear the word NO, it just pushes me to find the answer YES. I know what my purpose is as an entrepreneur, and no one can stop that.

If someone tells you No, you’re talking to the wrong person.
— Kris Jenner

I’m also not afraid to say NO when it just doesn’t work for me or my schedule. It doesn’t mean that you don’t care, it means that you put your own well being before others.. and guess what? You are sparking the PASSION in that person to go find their yes somewhere else.

So start your morning right and put yourself first! You are #1!

With love,

Chris Giovanni