How do I stay motivated: Activate your hustle.

Happy Sunday!

I’m a proponent of spreading motivation to others. I made a personal goal with myself to motivate at least 3 people around me daily. Whether it’s through the form of knowledge, sending support to a fellow friend, or encouragement. However I feel it’s best to covey, I show it.

I’ve noticed that we often sell ourselves short due to the perception of something not being achievable. “Why start a fitness clothing line, when there is Nike & Adidas?” “Why launch an EP, when I don’t have money?” “Hollywood is impossible, why move to LA when it’s so expensive and there are A-listers?”

Now don’t get me wrong, I have my days. The thought of failure often crosses my mind. But I’m also not afraid to fail…. Not being afraid of failure allows me to grow with my business, in my personal life, and achieve what I’ve been put on this earth to do. I’m here to inspire and create careers.

Feeling down today? Here’s what I do to stay motivated when things are looking tough:

I have a firm grasp of my personal goals.
When things are feeling a little dim, I take time to myself and recite my goals verbally. I speak them into existence — “I am on a mission right now to further my career as an entertainment manager” — “I am on track to being listed in Forbes 30 under 30.”

The positivity of knowing yourself and where you’re going mitigates any form of stress that may come your way.

I keep my side hustles strong.
Yes, my full-time job is an entertainment manager, but I’m also very focused on what I can do extra during free time. Whether I’m consulting on branding, writing articles such as these, partnering with brands for public speaking — If you carry multiple streams of income, you are motivated and your career will flourish.

I am highly realistic with my goals and expectations for myself.
Sure, I’d absolutely love to have the 3.4 million dollar production studio, but I’m realistic on when I will achieve that. Break your goals down to make it easier on yourself. Maybe a short-term goal is to save $20.00. Get headshots. Enroll in training. Then work your way to middle-tier goals, and up. You can accomplish a lot being wise with your time.

I do not allow negativity to dictate my day.
That means terminating all factors that may destruct your progress in being successful. A bad relationship, the news in the morning, someone who isn’t as motivated as you are. Anyone that I’m around carries the same positive energy and wants to be successful. You are your circle.

I lack care for what others think about me.
Unless it has to do with improving myself or my business, the thought of what others think does not matter to me. You’re an artist — be YOU. Be as goofy and loving as you want to be!

In the end, enjoy life and accomplish goals on your own terms. You are your best source of motivation!